Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

English Paper for Student

                                                    The Secrets Behind Manners of Eating
            Muslims must already know that the Messenger, Muhammad was sent as a Messenger last with the primary mission to enhance human morality. Therefore, in every aspect of the life of the Prophet. provide the best example. One is exemplary in the way of a good eating.
            Manners of eating and drinking is the ethics or the way our attitude toward the rights relating to eating and drinking activities, be it our attitude when we want to eat and drink, when you're eating and drinking, or when finished eating and drinking.
Everyone can not be separated from the eating and drinking, so it should not be claimed that the food and drink is as a goal and the final look like animals. But he had to make eating and drinking as a means to keep her life in order to always pray to Allah SWT.
            Muslim eat while walking, eating with the left hand, without praying, even leaving food, it seemed to have become a common sight everywhere. When the acts of worship that have been abandoned and lightly ignored, how to practice a great reward?? Or could it be because it is only a small worship then we are left with little reason reward will we get? Actually a bit of a routine when done, it will be a lot! Allah Almighty says, "O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the messenger, and do not destroy all your deeds." (Surah Muhammad 33).
            Prophet Muhammad did not order and exemplifies an act, but what he commanded and demonstrated that contain goodness. Therefore, if you want to achieve happiness every Muslim world and the hereafter shall hear and obey.
Of course not all of these issues can be discussed in this short paper. Just a few things that will be in touch, and hopefully members a broader understanding to the reader.
B. The Problem of Study
            In writing scientific papers necessary to the formulation of the problems that educators focused writing. The problems in the writing of this paper are as follows:
            1. What is the influence of eating without manners?
            2. Why eat while standing is strictly forbidden?
C. The Purpose of Study
            The objectives to be achieved through this discussion is:
            1.Determine the effect of eating without manners.
            2. Knowing why eating while standing is strictly forbidden.


 A. Definition Of Manners
            The word manners is Arabic vocabulary derived from (Adab - Ya'dubu) which means to invite or encourage. Now called manners because he invites people to the noble character and prevent heinous deeds. This term also means customs. This word refers to a habit, etiquette, patterns of behavior that are considered as a model.
            For two centuries after the emergence of Islam First Instance, the term manners ethical implications and social significance. Ad root word has meaning something amazing, or preparation or party. Manners in this sense similar to the Latin word urbanity, courtesy, friendliness, smoothness urban character.
            Manners is the basic requirement of a Muslim. Because with it will always properly maintained relationship with Allah, with His Messenger and to the fellow beings. Allah Ta'ala says, "And recite to men good words." (Al-Baqarah: 83).
            Manners is the most important part of this noble religion. and manners manners Syar'iyyah it is that distinguishes a Muslim than in others with a strong personality and virtuous character behavior, reflected glory of his movements, altitude and grandeur of Islam.

B. The Secrets Behind Manners Of Eating
            All orders and advice of the Prophet. Has a lot of wisdom and a certain secret, moreover the commands are always confirmed, including manners-manners eating. First Muslims themselves can not know the whole secret-secret, now with the help of technological advances, Muslims can learn as well as researching the ins and outs behind the commands and prohibitions of the Prophet.
            1. Prompts Using the right hand
                        Prophet. asserts, "If any one of you eat, let him eat with his right hand. Satan eating with his left hand. "(Muslim)
The wisdom behind the prohibition is: Eat with your right hand can we analogy with the prayer movement. When praying, we put both hands on his chest. Position, and the left hand below the right hand on top. Anayomi and physiological basis of human body, the right hand is governed by the left brain, which is closely related to the ability to learn and make conclusions. While the left hand is governed by the right brain, which is closely related to the nature of artistic, beauty, delight and whimsy.
                        Turned out not just promoting a sense (an element of beauty), but must also be analyzed for better or worse, and whether lawful and in accordance with the requirements or not. Early control process in order to skillfully control diriharus familiarized myself.
                        Worse for those who eat with their left hand to prioritize aspects of pleasure, beauty or love world.They love food more than he loved God. According to the apostle, people like this are the followers of Satan.
Among the Prophet's sunnah, is eaten using the right hand with three fingers. Narrated from Ka'b bin Malik, from his father, he said: "the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was eating by using three fingers of right hand and lick the fingers before cleaning." (Muslim no. 20232 and
                        On the above hadith, Ibn thaimiyah, may Allah says: "It is recommended to eat with three fingers, the middle finger, index finger and thumb, because it shows not greedy and ketawadhu'an. However, this applies to foods that can be eaten by using three fingers.
A study conducted by Dr. Charles Gerba of the University of Arizona. He said that it is impossible to deter germs and bacteria into our environment. But we can fight germs by washing hands before and done every move.
                        And, as published by; paparetta.wordpress.com, in October 2010 ago. Mentioned, eat using hands proved to be more healthful. Due to the hand, there is an enzyme that can bind to bacterial RNase, so that very low levels of activity when the entry of food into the digestive tract with the body.
                        Basically, the main goal of RNase enzymes are used in genetic analysis, with the aim of degrading RNA, so that the living of a living cell is DNA.
                        This enzyme is always contained in the fingers and palm of the human hand, so-with the assumption already made effort menghigieniskan previous hands-bribery processes food into the digestive tract will include an enzyme that could bind the bacterial cell so that its activity is not maximal.
                        Once the food into the digestive tract, then the enzyme will join the movement of bacteria to bind to the sewer. Conversely, if people eat using a middleman like a spoon, then no one can put a halt to the activity of bacteria contained, either in food or cutlery it self.
2. Hard Prohibition of  Eating While Standing
                        Qathadah narrates from Anas ibn Malik that the Messenger of Allah. Somebody has banned drinking while standing. Then Qatadah asked Anas, "What about eating?" And he replied, "Eat in a way more evil and stand up again!" (Reported by Muslim, Ahmad and Tarmizi)
Seen from the perspective of science, there are three reasons can be put forward.
                        First, from the aspect of brain performance. When we stand in need of concentration to maintain balance. When we eat while standing or walking, the concentration will be split, between the eating process and balance the body. therefore, people are accustomed to eating while standing or walking likely can not control yourself, because most of the energy is directed to the cerebellum and organs festibuler to maintain balance.
                        The second, from ospek anatomy. When we stand up and walk there automatically muscles used for balance, stepping, and resting. These activities consume energy. As a result the food into the intestine is not treated properly, because most of the blood vessels actually active in derah legs and muscles. Meals absorption process is not optimal.
Third, from the hormonal aspect. Maintain posture while standing, your body will assume that we are in a standby state. As a result, levels of adrenaline and cortisol in the body increases, the condition becomes anxious and depressed. That can cause dangerous diseases caused by cholesterol.
                        The doctors saw that the wounds in the stomach 95% occur in the usual places collide with incoming food or drink. As the condition of balance while standing with muscle contraction in the throat that blocks the path of food into the intestines easily, and sometimes causes severe pain that interferes with digestive function, and one can lose a sense of comfort when eating and drinking.
                        In terms of incoming kesehatan.Air by sitting will be screened by sfringter. Sfringter maskuler is a structure (muscle) which can be opened (so that urine can pass) and close. Any water we drink will be supplied to the posts that are in the kidney filtration. Nah. If we drink stand.
Without water we drink filtered again. Directly into the bladder. When directly to the bladder, the ureters distributed precipitation occurs. Because many wastes menyisa in the ureter. This is what can cause kidney crystals disease. One of the dangerous kidney disease. It causes difficulty urinating.
                        Narrated when the Prophet s.a.w. Ayesha home r.a. 're eating dried meat trays while sitting on knees, suddenly entered the mouth of a vile woman saw the Messenger of Allah Such seated and said: "Look at that guy sitting like a slave." Then answered by the Prophet: "I am a servant, then sit as a slave sits eating and eating like a slave." Then the Prophet s.a.w. invited her to eat. The Reclining (lean towards something) has been prohibited by the Prophet as his saying, "Behold, I do not eat reclining" (Bukhari).

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